Inaugural address delivered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 14, 2015.
"Leading with a Consistency of Purpose"
J Dent Res 94: 874, 2015
- Senior Staff Fellow, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., USA, 1993-1996
- Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Oral Medicine Pathology and Surgery, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, 1996-2001
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, without tenure, University of Michigan College of Engineering, 2001-06
- Associate Professor of Dentistry, with tenure, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan, 2001-06
- Roy H. Roberts Endowed Professor of Dentistry, University of Michigan, 2005-2015
- Chair, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, 2005-present
- Professor of Dentistry, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, 2006-present
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan College of Engineering, 2006-2016
- Dean, UCLA School of Dentistry, 2016-Present
- B.A., The College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., USA, 1978-1982
- D.D.S., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., USA, 1983-1987
- Certificate in Periodontology, The University of Connecticut Health Center, 1987-1993
- Ph.D., The University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA, 1987-1993