Born July 11, 1939
Died November 13, 2024, Richmond, Va., USA
Inaugural Address delivered at Cincinnati, OH, March 7, 1990:
"’Storm Fear’ and ‘Misgiving’"
J Dent Res 69(7):1352-1354, 1990
- Chief Dental Officer, USPHS Outpatient Clinic, Cincinnati, OH, 1964-66
- University of Oregon Dental School, 1969-72
- Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, 1972-86
- Dean (1986-89) and Professor of Periodontics (1986-91), School of Dentistry, University of Alabama, Birmingham
- Professor and Dean, Baltimore (MD) College of Dental Surgery, 1991-2002
- Dean Emeritus, University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 2003
- ADEA/ADEA Gies Foundation Education Fellowship, 2004