Statement of Purpose
“The AADOCR National Student Research Group (NSRG) is a student-run organization whose main purpose is to foster an environment in every dental school whereby students interested in enriching their dental education through research are encouraged to do so. We provide a wide variety of career-development, leadership, and networking opportunities for students in all stages of their education including pre-dental, dental, Master’s, PhD, dual degree, residency, and postdoctoral research. Through these opportunities, we encourage our students take leadership roles in advancing patient-oriented challenges facing the current and future of dentistry and build robust and vibrant oral health researchers. The organization is comprised of a network of self-governing local student research group (LSRG) chapters at each dental school and is led nationally by officers elected through and then majority of votes from all members.”
The NSRG serves to:
- Provide student researchers with a national voice, and encourage local SRG participation,
- Provide a means for student researchers to promote/expand their interests on a local as well as a national level,
- Act as a support network linking all dental schools and their research programs,
- Help students generate funds and ideas necessary to better the field of dentistry through new and inventive research,
- Promote student participation in dental research and its related disciplines,
- Promote dental research as a path for pre-dental students.
- Provide a space for networking between pre-dental, dual degree, post-doc, and PhD students.
- Promote the advancement of dental research and related aspects,
- Further, the aims and objectives of the AADOCR and IADR as they relate to student research, and
- Foster awareness of research and training opportunities in academic dentistry.
A major goal of the NSRG is to help dental students across the nation, including pre-dental, dental, post-doc, and PhD, establish chapters and encourage participation in their respective schools, to ensure that research is seen as a vital aspect of dentistry. Our hope is that all schools will recognize the benefits of incorporating research into their curricula and will choose to do so formally or through local SRGs.
Apply for the NSRG Student Research Group Awards
NSRG Officers
The NSRG is lead by a group of student leaders. Become a student leader of the AADOCR and apply to become an officer of the NSRG.
Call for nominations for officers is closed for 2024. If you are interested in being involved in NSRG leadership, we encourage you to connect with current officers at NSRG activities at the Annual Meeting and through NSRG Webinars. Nominations for next year's officers will open in the fall!
NSRG Webinars - Upcoming & Recordings

Regional Representatives & Member at Large
Do you want to shape the future of student dental research? Apply to become a Member-at-large on the NSRG Board or a Regional Representative!
Applications are Now Open!
Resources for Regional Reps
Thank you to those student leaders who are serving as Regional Representatives (RRs) for the AADOCR NSRG. Without you, the NSRG would not be able to accomplish all it does. Please use the resources below to learn more about RR duties.
- Regional Representatives
- Awards to Promote to LSRGs.
- AADOCR Regional Representative Description & Duties.
All Regional Reps are asked to complete the below form a few times each year. The form includes 3 unique sections that can be completed independently when appropriate. These help us stay informed on the LSRGs. The first section is a priority in determining what LSRGs are active and the correct contact information for LSRGs. The second and third sections help us spotlight happenings at LSRGs.
Section 1: LSRG Contact Information
Section 2: Dental Student Researcher Spotlight
Section 3: Recent Research-Based Events of Each School in Your Region
View Past NSRG Newsletters
Schools in Each Region
Here are the Schools that make up each region of the NSRG. Each region has a Regional Representative to help serve as a liaison between the NSRG Board and the LSRGs. View your Regional Representative. We encourage you to reach out to your RR with any leadership changes, events or student spotlights at your LSRG.
Start a Local Student Research Group (SRG)
Dental schools without active Student Research Group (SRG) Chapters have the potential to form one. SRG Chapters benefit both students and institutions. Forming a SRG Chapter requires a nucleus of students interested in research, faculty willing to nurture that interest, and an administration supportive of the endeavor. The success of a SRG Chapter ultimately depends on the desire of students to be involved with dental research.